Significance of High temperature
High temperature refers to several conditions characterized by elevated temperature levels. It can lead to reduced nucleic acid content in crab tissues, signify a fever in humans, particularly in cases like scarlet fever, and characterize environmental conditions in areas such as Churu district. High temperatures are relevant in food preparation and can influence drug degradation and microbial activity. Additionally, they affect biological processes, such as bee activity and health, and are important in various industrial applications like emulsification.
Synonyms: Excessive heat, Intense heat, Heat, Fever, Warmth
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The concept of High temperature in scientific sources
High temperature describes the carefully managed increase in heat during the preparation of Shadguna Balijarita Makaradhwaja, highlighting its significance in achieving the desired properties and effects in the final product.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Conditions under which food is cooked, leading to the formation of PAHs.[1] (2) Environmental conditions characterized by intense heat, significant in the climate of Churu district.[2] (3) A condition that accelerates reactions like oxidation and hydrolysis, leading to drug degradation.[3] (4) A fever, typically 38.3C/101F or above, which is a common symptom in patients with scarlet fever.[4] (5) Elevated environmental temperatures that affect bee activity, brood development, and overall hive health within greenhouse settings.[5]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) The controlled and gradually increasing heat applied during the preparation of Shadguna Balijarita Makaradhwaja.[6]