Significance of Herbal medicine

Herbal medicine encompasses the practice of using plants and their parts for therapeutic purposes across various traditions, including Ayurveda, Purana, and modern science. It highlights remedies derived from plant substances that are employed to treat ailments, promote health, and serve as safer alternatives to synthetic drugs. Herbal medicine includes treatments for conditions like diabetes, obesity, and mental health concerns. Its historical significance and continued application in primary healthcare make herbal medicine a fundamental component of both traditional and contemporary medical practices.1
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Synonyms: Botanical medicine, Plant medicine, Natural medicine, Herbal therapy, Phytotherapy, Herbalism

In Dutch: Kruidengeneeskunde; In German: Kräutermedizin; In Finnish: Kasviperäinen lääke; In Spanish: Medicina herbaria

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Herbal medicine'

The concept of Herbal medicine in scientific sources

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