Significance of Herbal decoction

Herbal decoction is a traditional preparation method that involves boiling herbs in water to obtain liquid extracts, utilized for various therapeutic applications. It serves as a crucial remedy in both Ayurveda and general herbal practices for treating diverse health issues, including digestive ailments and skin conditions. This concentrated liquid preparation, rich in beneficial compounds, is commonly used in Ayurvedic treatments and plays a significant role in promoting health and healing through its medicinal properties.

Synonyms: Herbal tea, Herbal remedy, Plant extract

In Dutch: Kruidenafkooksel; In German: Kräuterabkochung; In Finnish: Yrttikeite; In Spanish: Decocción de hierbas

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Hindu concept of 'Herbal decoction'

The concept of Herbal decoction in scientific sources

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