Significance of Healing properties
Healing properties encompass the beneficial effects of various substances, plants, and treatments used in both traditional Ayurvedic practices and modern medicine to aid recovery from illnesses and injuries. These properties refer to specific qualities of medicaments that promote wound healing, alleviate symptoms, and support overall health. Examples include the healing capabilities of certain herbs, oils, and minerals like emeralds, gold, and curcumin. The concept of healing properties highlights the importance of natural remedies in restoring health and facilitating recovery.
Synonyms: Curative properties
In Dutch: Genezende eigenschappen; In German: Heilenden Eigenschaften; In Finnish: Hoitavia ominaisuuksia; In Spanish: Propiedades curativas
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Healing properties'
In Hinduism, Healing properties encompass the beneficial effects of plants, herbs, and substances such as alkalis, gold, and emeralds, recognized for their therapeutic abilities in treating ailments, promoting recovery, and enhancing overall health.
From: Sushruta Samhita, volume 1: Sutrasthana
(1) The beneficial effects of treatments, especially concerning cautery as a method of curing diseases.[1] (2) Qualities attributed to alkalis that enhance recovery from skin diseases and other ailments.[2]
From: Sushruta Samhita, volume 4: Cikitsasthana
(1) Qualities present in certain medicaments or substances that aid in the recovery and closure of wounds and ulcers.[3]
From: History of Indian Medicine (and Ayurveda)
(1) The beneficial effects that certain plants and substances have in treating or alleviating health conditions.[4]
From: Rasa Jala Nidhi, vol 3: Metals, Gems and other substances
(1) The beneficial effects of gold in treating ailments and enhancing overall health.[5] (2) The specific health benefits that emeralds are said to possess, enabling them to cure various physical ailments.[6]
From: Harshacharita (socio-cultural Study)
(1) The beneficial effects attributed to various plants and herbs used as remedies for illnesses.[7]
The concept of Healing properties in scientific sources
Healing properties encompass various attributes of treatments and substances that enhance tissue repair, promote health, and facilitate recovery from ailments, exemplified by Katupila Kalka, Tila taila, Tulsi, and Kaseesadi Taila’s effects on wound healing.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Beneficial effects attributed to certain natural ingredients that promote recovery from wounds and injuries.[8] (2) Attributes of certain substances, notably found in medicinal plants, that contribute to the repair of damaged tissue.[9] (3) The capability of millets to provide therapeutic benefits, particularly in the context of Ayurveda for treating specific health conditions.[10] (4) The beneficial effects of certain medicines or treatments that promote faster and more effective recovery from injuries.[11] (5) The ability of millets to assist in recovery from conditions such as wounds and ulcers.[12]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Healing properties refer to the beneficial effects of certain Ayurvedic herbs or formulations, such as those found in Nimbadi Malhar, which aid in the recovery from conditions like Padadari.[13] (2) Characteristics of certain substances that promote the healing of wounds and restoration of normal tissue.[14] (3) Characteristics of specific herbal preparations that aid the body in repairing tissue or wounds, essential in the Ayurvedic treatment of conditions like Karnini Yonivyapat.[15] (4) Characteristics of substances or practices that facilitate recovery from diseases, particularly in the context of proper food and lifestyle adherence.[16] (5) Characteristics of treatments or substances that aid in the restoration of health and recovery from ailments.[17]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) The beneficial effects of Kaseesadi Taila that promote tissue repair and decrease inflammation associated with Fissure-in-Ano.[18] (2) Tulsi is known for a variety of healing properties, including its effects on digestion, respiratory health, and overall wellness.[19] (3) Characteristics of Tila taila that promote recovery and health, particularly its wound healing and antimicrobial effects.[20] (4) Characteristics of a treatment or substance that promote the repair and regeneration of tissue.[21]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) Attributes of Yashtimadhu Ghrita that contribute to the repair of tissue in anal fissures and relief of associated symptoms.[22] (2) Attributes of Katupila Kalka that contribute to effective wound healing as detailed in the study.[23] (3) Qualities of substances that facilitate recovery from ailments or promote well-being.[24] (4) The characteristics of a drug or formulation that facilitate the healing process of wounds.[25]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) The therapeutic benefits of certain plants that have been validated through scientific research, particularly for skin ailments.[26] (2) The beneficial effects that specific herbs have on health and disease treatment.[27] (3) The beneficial effects of various plants utilized by the tribes for treating specific health issues.[28]
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) Refers to the capability of a substance to promote recovery and repair of tissues affected by disease or injury.[29] (2) The ability of a material or treatment to aid in the recovery of tissue and enhance the healing process after surgery.[30] (3) Characteristics of the Bio-Oss™ material that promote integration and support bone regeneration during the healing process.[31]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) The beneficial effects of Karanjadi Ghrita that contribute to recovery from wounds and ulcers associated with Bhagandara, promoting overall health and comfort.[32] (2) Attributes of a substance, such as Kshara, that facilitate the healing process of wounds by promoting tissue repair and reducing infection.[33] (3) The effects that certain substances or treatments have on improving the wound repair process.[34]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) The believed medicinal effects of specific herbs used by traditional bone setters, claimed to expedite recovery from fractures and dislocations.[35]