Significance of Happy

In Vaishnavism, "Happy" is defined as the feeling or expression of pleasure and contentment, highlighting the importance of emotional well-being. In Vedanta, "Happy" signifies a deeper state of joy and contentment that arises from spiritual realization and a connection to Reality, transcending material concerns. Both perspectives emphasize the significance of inner fulfillment and the varied interpretations of happiness within different philosophical frameworks.1
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Synonyms: Joyful, Cheerful, Content, Pleased, Blissful, Jubilant, Satisfied

In Dutch: Vrolijk; In German: Glücklich; In Finnish: Onnellinen; In Spanish: Feliz

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Happy'

Hindu concept of 'Happy'

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