Significance of Guard

The concept of Guard varies across different traditions. In Jainism, it pertains to officials who ensure the city's security and report actions to the king. Vaishnavism portrays Guards as figures overseeing areas, rendered inactive by divine intervention. In Theravada, Guards are individuals responsible for protecting the palace and its residents, particularly the royal family. Each interpretation highlights the role of Guards as protectors, reflecting the unique religious contexts in which they exist.1
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Synonyms: Protector, Watchman, Safeguard, Shield., Protect, Shield, Watch

In Dutch: Bewaker; In Finnish: Vartija; In Spanish: Guardia

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Guard'

Hindu concept of 'Guard'

Jain concept of 'Guard'

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