Significance of Graciousness

Graciousness is defined in both Theravada teachings and Indian history as embodying kindness, consideration, and goodwill in interactions with others. In Theravada, it highlights the importance of these qualities, particularly for monks, emphasizing warmth and compassion. Indian history reflects these values through examples, such as Janardan's courteous embrace of Eknath. Overall, graciousness encompasses being warm-hearted, kind, and understanding in social dealings, showcasing essential qualities in both spiritual teachings and cultural interactions.

Synonyms: Kindness, Gentleness, Warmth, Generosity, Courtesy, Elegance, Charm, Magnanimity, Goodwill, Compassion

In Dutch: Vriendelijkheid; In German: Freundlichkeit; In Finnish: Armollisuus; In Spanish: Gracia

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Graciousness'

Jain concept of 'Graciousness'

The concept of Graciousness in local and regional sources

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