Significance of Godhead
Synonyms: Divinity, Deity, Godhood, Divine essence, Supreme being, Higher power, Almighty, Godliness
In Dutch: Godheid; In German: Gottheit; In Finnish: Jumaluus; In Spanish: Deidad
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Godhead'
In Hinduism, Godhead encompasses the essence of divinity, ultimate reality, and bliss, reflecting concepts such as Brahman, spiritual authority, and the relationship between the divine and the individual self through devotion and love.
From: Sri Krishna-Chaitanya
(1) The Supreme Being or Divine entity which possesses spiritual power and authority, distinct from the material world.[1] (2) The ultimate spiritual reality or supreme being, identified with Narayana, as distinct from the conscious and non-conscious principles.[2] (3) The ultimate, divine entity that is worshipped and acknowledges the jiva as a subordinate spiritual particle.[3] (4) The supreme divine essence, embodying ultimate reality and truth that transcends worldly attachments and is recognized through love and devotion.[4] (5) The embodiment of existence, self-consciousness, and bliss, according to Vishnuswami, distinct from the bound soul.[5]
From: Chaitanya Bhagavata
(1) The state of being a god, referring to the Supreme Being in various manifestations.[6]
From: Lakulisha-Pashupata (Philosophy and Practice)
(1) The divine nature or essence of God, acknowledged within different philosophical frameworks, including the Samkhya and Naiyayika schools.[7]
From: Sivaprakasam (Study in Bondage and Liberation)
(1) A term used to describe the divine essence or nature of God in relation to the individual self.[8]
From: Yoga-sutras (Vedanta Commentaries)
(1) The essence of divinity, often equated with the concept of Brahman in Hindu philosophy.[9] (2) The ultimate reality or divine source in spiritual context, with which yoga aims to unite.[10]
Jain concept of 'Godhead'
In Jainism, Godhead signifies the divine state achieved by renouncing sins at death, representing the ultimate spiritual attainment and liberation from the cycle of rebirth, emphasizing the importance of purity and ethical conduct.
From: Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra
(1) The divine status or state that can be attained by denouncing sins at the time of death.[11]
The concept of Godhead in local and regional sources
Godhead encompasses the ultimate divine reality in Hinduism, the essence sought in Indian music for bliss, the nature of God regarding spirituality, and the elevated reflections on existence found in Nature, as noted by Chettur.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) The ultimate divine reality that believers in Hinduism reach toward in their personal spiritual practices.[12] (2) The divine nature that Chettur sees within Nature and his elevated reflections on existence.[13] (3) The divine nature of God, indicating spirituality and belief.[14] (4) The divine essence or supreme reality that Indian music aims to connect the soul with, often evoking bliss and transcendence.[15]