Significance of Godhead

The concept of Godhead encompasses various interpretations across different philosophical traditions in Hinduism. In Jainism, it signifies a state achieved by renouncing sins at death, while Vaishnavism describes it as the Supreme Being, embodying ultimate reality and transcendent truth. Yoga aligns Godhead with the essence of divinity, akin to Brahman. In Shaivism, it reflects the divine essence of God, and throughout Indian history, it is seen as a connection to spirituality and bliss through nature and personal spiritual practices.1
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Synonyms: Divinity, Deity, Godhood, Divine essence, Supreme being, Higher power, Almighty, Godliness

In Dutch: Godheid; In German: Gottheit; In Finnish: Jumaluus; In Spanish: Deidad

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Godhead'

Jain concept of 'Godhead'

The concept of Godhead in local and regional sources

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