Significance of God

The concept of God varies across different religions and philosophies. In Hinduism, it encompasses divine beings like the Vasus and Rudras. Jainism describes God as supernatural beings associated with spiritual events, while Tibetan Buddhism attributes creation to a divine entity. Purana emphasizes deities called upon for assistance and represents extraordinary fighters. Dharmashastra highlights divine beings connected to rituals and offerings in Hinduism. Across these traditions, God is depicted as a powerful force, embodying various aspects of spirituality and authority.1
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Synonyms: Deity, Divine being, Creator, Supreme being, Higher power, Spirit, Lord, Almighty, Celestial being, Godhead, Divinity, Eternal, All-powerful, All-knowing

In Dutch: God; In German: Gott; In Finnish: Jumala; In Spanish: Dios

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'God'

Hindu concept of 'God'

Jain concept of 'God'

The concept of God in local and regional sources

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