Significance of Glory
Synonyms: Fame, Honor, Praise, Admiration, Distinction, Renown, Reputation, Splendor, Prestige, Majesty, Grandeur
In Dutch: Heerlijkheid; In German: Ruhm; In Finnish: Kunnia; In Spanish: Gloria
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Glory'
In Buddhism, Glory signifies the reputation and recognition attained through virtuous actions and ethical living, reflecting an individual's moral integrity and positive impact on others, ultimately contributing to spiritual growth and enlightenment.
From: Dhammapada (Illustrated)
(1) The reputation and fame achieved by an individual through virtuous actions and living rightly.[1]
Hindu concept of 'Glory'
In Hinduism, "Glory" signifies the divine's esteemed greatness, honor from achievements, exalted status through rituals, and admiration for figures like Krishna and Rama, emphasizing the grandeur of the divine beyond material influences.
From: Garga Samhita (English)
(1) Vriddhih; denotes a state of high renown or honor, often associated with achievements or virtues.[2] (2) Acknowledges the magnificence and exalted nature of the divine love and devotion experienced.[3] (3) The magnificence and greatness attributed to Lord Hari, highlighting His unmatched superiority and divine nature.[4] (4) High renown or honor resulting from notable achievements, said to be achieved through the recitation.[5] (5) The esteemed quality or magnificence attributed to the person being addressed.[6]
From: Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
(1) The magnificence and grand nature of the divine, which surpasses all material influences and realities.[7]
From: Ramayana of Valmiki (Shastri)
(1) The honor and admiration associated with Rama due to his noble exploits, highlighting his status as a heroic figure.[8]
From: Skanda Purana
(1) A state of honor and renown that results from divine favor and proper adoration of the deities.[9]
From: Satapatha-brahmana
(1) Associated with the heavens, it indicates honor and splendor, key themes in the sacrificial offerings.[10] (2) The state of exalted status attained through ritual performance and connection with divine spirits or forces.[11]
Jain concept of 'Glory'
In Jainism, Glory signifies the acknowledgment and respect earned for one's knowledge and virtuous traits, as recognized and valued by the community.
The concept of Glory in local and regional sources
Glory signifies the esteem and honor attained by the Prince through his journey, emphasizing the transformative experiences and achievements that contribute to his elevated status and recognition in the eyes of others.
From: Village Folk-tales of Ceylon (Sri Lanka), vol. 1-3
(1) The state of esteem and honor that the Prince ultimately achieves through his journey.[13]