Significance of Glory

The concept of Glory varies across different traditions in South Asia. In Hinduism, it signifies honor and splendor linked to sacrificial rituals and divine connection. Jainism emphasizes community recognition for admirable qualities. Vaishnavism highlights renown from notable achievements and the magnificence of divine interactions, especially with Krishna. In the context of the Purana, Glory pertains to Rama's esteemed honor due to his heroic deeds. Lastly, Theravada links Glory to the reputation earned through virtuous living and actions.1
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Synonyms: Fame, Honor, Praise, Admiration, Distinction, Renown, Reputation, Splendor, Prestige, Majesty, Grandeur

In Dutch: Heerlijkheid; In German: Ruhm; In Finnish: Kunnia; In Spanish: Gloria

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Glory'

Hindu concept of 'Glory'

Jain concept of 'Glory'

The concept of Glory in local and regional sources

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