Significance of Formulation

Formulation in Theravada concerns mental states linked to various consciousness types, enhanced through meditation. In contrast, the scientific perspective on Formulation encompasses the preparation methods and combinations of drugs in Ayurveda. This includes medicinal mixtures containing key ingredients like Gandhaka and Aragwadha, through processes that blend various herbs for therapeutic purposes. Formulations refer to the final products, such as powders and decoctions, designed to treat specific diseases, utilizing combinations of multiple herbal constituents in Ayurvedic practices.

Synonyms: Composition, Preparation, Creation, Arrangement, Development, Formulation process, Expression, Synthesis, Configuration.

In Dutch: Formulering; In Finnish: Formulaatio; In Spanish: FormulaciĆ³n

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Formulation'

The concept of Formulation in scientific sources

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