Significance of Fluorescence Analysis
Fluorescence analysis is a vital method used to evaluate the characteristics of plant extracts and powdered drugs when exposed to ultraviolet light. This procedure assesses purity, identity, and potential adulteration by observing the light-emitting properties of substances following their irradiation. Techniques within fluorescence analysis involve examining the behavior of plant materials under different light conditions and chemical treatments, aiding in the identification and evaluation of drug quality. It plays a crucial role in pharmacognosy by ensuring the authenticity of herbal samples.
Synonyms: Fluorescence spectroscopy, Fluorescent microscopy, Fluorescent analysis, Fluorescence measurement
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The concept of Fluorescence Analysis in scientific sources
Fluorescence Analysis involves detecting chemical substances by their light emission when irradiated, and is also used to analyze plant materials through their characteristic fluorescence under UV light, assisting in identification and composition insights.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A cutting-edge approach that involves illuminating plant extracts with light and observing emitted fluorescence to uncover specific bioactive compounds.[1] (2) A method for identifying and characterizing bioactive compounds in plant extracts by detecting and quantifying fluorescent molecules.[2] (3) A crucial pharmacognostic procedure employed to authenticate samples and identify adulteration, involving the emission of light by a substance following the absorption of light or electromagnetic radiation.[3] (4) A technique involving the application of UV light to evaluate the presence of specific plant constituents based on their chemical properties.[4] (5) A method used to detect the presence of bioactive compounds in Tridax procumbens by observing color changes in the plant material under visible and ultraviolet light.[5]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) A method of analyzing the powder characteristics under different treatments and observing color changes.[6] (2) A method employed to assess the Kattusirakam drug based on its response to different treatments under daylight and ultraviolet light.[7] (3) A method used to observe the fluorescence emitted from the powdered drug and its alcoholic extract under UV light.[8] (4) A method used to study the fluorescent properties of the bark and root of Wagatea spicata under ultraviolet light.[9] (5) A technique that examines the fluorescent properties of plant powders when exposed to specific light wavelengths.[10]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) Evaluation of the fluorescence characteristics exhibited by the powdered drug under ultraviolet and visible light to assess quality and purity.[11] (2) A technique used to evaluate the fluorescent properties of the powdered seeds of S. nux-vomica.[12]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) A method of analyzing plant materials by observing their characteristic fluorescence under ultraviolet light to aid in identification.[13]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) A method used to detect chemical substances based on their ability to emit light upon irradiation, providing insights into their composition.[14]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) A technique used to detect the presence of various compounds in plant materials by observing their fluorescence under different chemical reagents and light conditions.[15]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) A method used to examine the fluorescence properties of extracts and powdered materials under different light conditions.[16]