Significance of Fellow members
Fellow members, in the context of India history, are individuals who belong to the same group or community, united by shared interests or experiences related to a specific movement. Similarly, in a scientific context, fellow members denote individuals within the same organization or society, working towards common goals. They often belong to professional societies, where collaboration and support for one another are key components of their shared objectives.
In Dutch: Medeleden; In Finnish: Jäsentoverit
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
The concept of Fellow members in local and regional sources
The keyphrase "Fellow members" denotes individuals connected within a community, sharing similar interests or experiences, particularly in relation to a specific event like the march, emphasizing unity and collective purpose among them.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) Individuals who are part of the same group or community, sharing a common interest or experience related to the march.[1]
The concept of Fellow members in scientific sources
The keyphrase "Fellow members" describes individuals within a shared organization or society, united by common goals and interests, who collaborate and support each other professionally.
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) Individuals who belong to the same organization or society and share common goals and interests.[2] (2) Individuals who are part of the same professional society or organization, collaborating towards common goals and supporting one another.[3]