Significance of Feast

The keyphrase "Feast" encompasses various cultural meanings. According to Purana, it signifies an elaborate meal for Brahmanas, incorporating wealth distribution. In Indian history, it reflects different instances: Jhore's offering of rice to passersby after his theft, the villagers' celebration upon receiving payment from the headman due to their deception, and a post-wedding celebration that symbolized the elder Rani's regained status following the event. Each context highlights the significance of feasts in social and cultural practices.1
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Synonyms: Festival, Celebration, Gala, Spread, Dinner, Meal, Party, Festivity

In Finnish: Juhla; In Dutch: Feest

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Feast'

The concept of Feast in local and regional sources

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