Significance of Feast
Synonyms: Festival, Celebration, Gala, Spread, Dinner, Meal, Party, Festivity
In Finnish: Juhla; In Dutch: Feest
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Feast'
In Hinduism, a Feast signifies an elaborate meal for Brahmanas, symbolizing hospitality and generosity, while reinforcing social hierarchies. It emphasizes the cultural importance of sharing wealth and community bonding through food.
From: Mahabharata (English)
(1) An elaborate meal prepared for the Brahmanas that also involved the distribution of wealth.[1]
The concept of Feast in local and regional sources
Feast refers to celebrations in various contexts: Jhore's offering of rice, payment celebrations by villagers from the headman, and a post-wedding gathering highlighting elder Rani's regained status after a deception.
From: Folklore of the Santal Parganas
(1) A gathering for eating, which the Ghormuhas engaged in after killing their own parents.[2] (2) What Jhore offered to passersby after he ran away with the basket of rice.[3] (3) A celebration for the guests following the wedding event, showing the elder Rani's regained status after the deception.[4] (4) The celebration that occurred afterward when the villagers received payment from the headman for deceiving them.[5]
From: Bhaktavijaya: Stories of Indian Saints
(1) A celebratory meal shared by the people in the king's palace, marking a moment of communal joy and gratitude.[6] (2) A special meal prepared for the Brahmans in honor of the ancestors.[7]