Significance of Fancy
In Yoga, the term Fancy denotes a function of the thinking principle associated with imaginative thought or whimsical ideas that lack grounding in reality. It represents a mental construction or imagination that does not correspond to any actual object but exists solely within the realm of thought. This understanding of Fancy emphasizes the distinction between creative imagination and tangible reality, highlighting its ephemeral and subjective nature.
Synonyms: High-class
In Spanish: Elegante; In Dutch: Modieus; In Finnish: Hieno
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Fancy'
In Buddhism, "Fancy" signifies a conceptual misunderstanding where individuals wrongly perceive manifested things as singular entities, leading to misleading beliefs about their unity or essence, thus obstructing true understanding of reality.
From: Tattvasangraha [with commentary]
(1) A misleading or incorrect belief regarding the unity or essence of manifested things; a conceptual error in perceiving things as singular entities.[1]
Hindu concept of 'Fancy'
In Hinduism, "Fancy" denotes imaginative thought or whimsical ideas detached from reality, serving as a mental construction that exists solely in the mind without corresponding to any tangible object.
From: Yoga-sutras (with Bhoja’s Rajamartanda)
(1) A function of the thinking principle that signifies imaginative thought or a whimsical idea not grounded in reality.[2] (2) A mental construction or imagination that does not reflect any actual object, but rather exists only in thought.[3]
From: Natyashastra (English)
(1) The conception of an interesting idea based on similarities between two objects.[4]