Significance of Faithful companion

In Buddhism, the term Faithful companion signifies a loyal friend or ally, exemplified by Candaka's unwavering devotion to the royal prince. In the Purana context, it refers to figures like Jaya and Vijaya, who accompany Parvati while showing eagerness to visit sacred locations. Additionally, a Faithful companion also embodies the values of loyalty and devotion in relationships and includes those who allied with Bibishana, highlighting the significance of camaraderie in their pursuits.

Synonyms: Loyal friend, Trusted ally

In Dutch: Trouwe metgezel; In German: Treuer Begleiter; In Finnish: Uskollinen seuralainen; In Spanish: Compañero fiel

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Faithful companion'

Hindu concept of 'Faithful companion'

The concept of Faithful companion in local and regional sources

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