Significance of Eye

The concept of Eye varies across different philosophical traditions. In Tibetan Buddhism, it signifies the capacity for illumination but is limited to perceiving colors. Vaishnavism connects it to the focus of the gopis and emphasizes that physical sight is not the sole way to see Shri Hari. In Jyotisha, it reflects emotions and health, while Vyakarana defines it as locanam, the organ of sight. Overall, Eye symbolizes perception, insight, and the interplay between the physical and spiritual realms across these teachings.1
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Synonyms: Vision, Sight, Glance, Look, View, Pupil, Eyeball

In Dutch: Oog; In German: Auge; In Finnish: Silmä; In Spanish: Ojo

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Eye'

Hindu concept of 'Eye'

The concept of Eye in local and regional sources

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