Significance of Extreme asceticism
Extreme asceticism is defined in both Ayurveda and Shaivism as a lifestyle marked by rigorous self-discipline and abstaining from worldly pleasures. In Ayurveda, it represents a disciplined approach to life, while in Shaivism, it signifies a state aligned with Shiva, emphasizing intense self-discipline and renunciation. Both traditions highlight the importance of self-restraint and the rejection of material desires to attain a higher spiritual state.
Synonyms: Severe austerity, Rigorous self-discipline, Self-denial, Austerity, Self-discipline, Abstinence, Frugality
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Extreme asceticism'
Extreme asceticism in Hinduism embodies a lifestyle of rigorous self-discipline and renunciation of worldly pleasures, closely linked to the state of Shiva, emphasizing intense self-control and a profound commitment to spiritual practice.
From: Lakulisha-Pashupata (Philosophy and Practice)
(1) A rigorous form of ascetic practice that emphasizes the complete removal of desires from one's heart, as advocated in the Jabala Upanisad.[1] (2) A state associated with Shiva characterized by intense self-discipline and renunciation of worldly pleasures.[2]
From: Matangalila and Hastyayurveda (study)
(1) A lifestyle characterized by rigorous self-discipline and abstinence from worldly pleasures.[3]