Significance of Ethical behavior
Ethical behavior encompasses actions that are morally right, promoting positive health and harmony, as highlighted in Ayurvedic teachings. It involves aligning actions with moral values and principles, such as moral sensitivity, commitment, and reasoning, which are essential for students to learn. Additionally, ethical behavior includes Sadvritta practices that emphasize moral and ethical conduct, contributing to individual health and societal well-being. Overall, ethical behavior is crucial for fostering both personal integrity and community health.
Synonyms: Moral conduct, Righteous behavior, Integrity, Honesty, Right conduct, Virtue, Uprightness, Accountability, Respectability
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
The concept of Ethical behavior in scientific sources
Ethical behavior encompasses Sadvritta practices that emphasize moral and ethical conduct, promoting good health and contributing to societal well-being, highlighting the importance of ethics in personal and community health.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Ethical behavior involves actions that are morally right, fostering positive health outcomes and harmonious living according to Ayurvedic teachings.[1] (2) Sadvritta practices pertaining to moral and ethical conduct that support good health and societal well-being.[2]
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) Actions that align with moral values and principles, including moral sensitivity, commitment, and reasoning that students must learn.[3]