Significance of Environment

Environment encompasses various interpretations across different disciplines. In Jainism, it pertains to Parinama, highlighting sensory experiences that contribute to suffering. Yoga views Environment as external circumstances influencing mental states and knowledge of consciousness. In Science, Environment refers to the conditions affecting organism growth and characteristics of plants like Bauhinia, as well as quality of life factors such as safety and access to resources that impact health and well-being. Each perspective emphasizes the critical role of surroundings in shaping experiences and conditions.1
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Synonyms: Ecosystem, Habitat, Atmosphere, Milieu, Nature

In Dutch: Omgeving; In German: Umfeld; In Finnish: Ympäristö; In Spanish: Ambiente

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Environment'

Jain concept of 'Environment'

The concept of Environment in scientific sources

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