Significance of Enlightened self
In Indian history, "Enlightened self" signifies a state of being that embodies Divine Grace. This concept is metaphorically illustrated as a 'daughter' who is nurtured and cared for by Perialwar. This representation highlights the deep connection between the individual and the divine, emphasizing a harmonious relationship where spiritual guidance and support are essential for the experience of enlightenment.
Synonyms: Self-aware, Enlightened being, Conscious self, Self-awareness, Self-realization, Self-discovery, Self-knowledge, Higher self
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The concept of Enlightened self in local and regional sources
Enlightened self signifies a state of experiencing Divine Grace, metaphorically viewed as a 'daughter' nurtured by Perialwar, indicating a deep spiritual connection and self-awareness within a broader understanding of divine influence.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) A state of being where one experiences Divine Grace, represented metaphorically as a 'daughter' cared for by Perialwar.[1]