Significance of Element
Synonyms: Part, Unit, Material, Substance
In Dutch: Element; In German: Element; In Finnish: Elementti; In Spanish: Elemento
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Element'
In Buddhism, the term "Element" signifies the fundamental components that constitute both phenomena and human experiences, serving as essential building blocks in understanding the nature of reality and existence.
From: A Manual of Abhidhamma
(1) Referred to as dhatu, it signifies the fundamental constituents that make up the physical and mental realm.[1]
From: Guide to Tipitaka
(1) Substantial entities referred to as dhatu in the context of Abhidhamma, forming the basis of existence.[2]
From: The Great Chariot
(1) Basic constituents that make up phenomena and experience.[3]
Hindu concept of 'Element'
In Hinduism, "Element" signifies the fundamental components of existence that allow the divine to manifest and express itself through diverse incarnations throughout reality. These elements serve as a framework for understanding divine interactions in the world.
From: Brahma Sutras (Ramanuja)
(1) Refers to a fundamental constituent of matter, in this case, specifically elemental fire.[4] (2) Components referred to in relation to the five-people, setting a foundation based on Brahman, indicating all beings' existence.[5]
From: Kathopanishad (Madhva commentary)
(1) The fundamental constituents of creation, often referenced in context with the divine manifestations.[6]
From: Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
(1) Fundamental substances like earth, water, fire, air, and ether that make up the universe and are interconnected with all beings.[7]
From: Vakyapadiya of Bhartrihari
(1) In the context of Carvakas, this includes air, fire, water, and earth, recognized as ultimate substances.[8]
From: Dasarupaka (critical study)
(1) Elements are significant components that play essential roles in constructing junctures, aiding both actions and the goal of the narrative.[9]
From: Agni Purana
(1) The fundamental aspects of existence that bear and define all beings.[10]
The concept of Element in scientific sources
The keyphrase "Element" pertains to essential minerals vital for metabolic processes in the human body, highlighting their importance in various biochemical functions and overall health maintenance.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Elements in this context refer to essential minerals that play significant roles in various metabolic processes within the human body.[11]