Significance of Dosha imbalance

Dosha imbalance in Ayurveda refers to the disruption of the three fundamental energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This imbalance can lead to various health issues, including digestive disorders, skin problems, and reproductive complications. Addressing Dosha imbalance is essential in Ayurveda for maintaining health, and it is often managed through treatments like Vasti or Netra Tarpana. The concept underscores the importance of harmony among the doshas for overall well-being and the prevention of diseases.

Synonyms: Energy imbalance, Humoral imbalance

In Dutch: Dosha-onevenwicht; In Finnish: Doshan epätasapaino; In Spanish: Desequilibrio del dosha

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Hindu concept of 'Dosha imbalance'

The concept of Dosha imbalance in scientific sources

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