Significance of Divinities

Divinities in various religious contexts refer to celestial beings or higher gods that are revered and worshipped. In Buddhism, they witness and support the Buddha and Bodhisat through guidance and blessings. Vaishnavism considers them as celestial assistants in divine events. The Purana describes them as spirits associated with worship, while Vedanta recognizes them as divine entities related to the universe and meditation. Dharmashastra emphasizes their role during rituals and sacrificial practices. In scientific terms, divinities are seen as supernatural beings within cosmological frameworks.1
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Synonyms: Goddesses, Supernatural entities

In Dutch: Godheden; In German: Gottheiten; In Finnish: Jumaluudet; In Spanish: Divinidades

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Divinities'

Hindu concept of 'Divinities'

The concept of Divinities in scientific sources

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