Significance of Divine strength

Divine strength, as described in various traditions, encompasses extraordinary powers exemplified by Lord Krishna, such as lifting Govardhana Hill. In the context of Purana, it signifies the robust qualities of Pururavas's sons, spiritual empowerment received by sages like Shri Markendeya, and the capabilities derived from divine intervention. Dharmashastra views Divine strength as spiritual power invoked during rituals, while Mahayana recognizes it as supernatural strength proposed to the Exalted One by devas. Each interpretation underscores the varying dimensions of Divine strength.

Synonyms: Celestial power, Spiritual strength, Heavenly might, Sacred energy, Divine power, Supernatural strength, Supernatural strength.

In Dutch: Goddelijke kracht; In Finnish: Jumalallinen voima; In Spanish: Fuerza divina

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Divine strength'

Hindu concept of 'Divine strength'

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