Significance of Divine music

Divine music is a significant concept across various spiritual traditions. In Buddhism, it inspires joy and reverence, while Jainism associates it with purity and joy through divine participation. Vaishnavism views it as music reflecting deity virtues, particularly Krishna's flute. The Purana speaks of celestial melodies enhancing worship and celebrating sacred events. Mahayana and Theravada highlight heavenly sounds that elevate spiritual experiences, and in Indian history, divine music symbolizes joy, connection, and transcendent qualities elevating the spirit amidst chaos.1
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Synonyms: Heavenly music, Celestial music, Spiritual music, Sacred music, Divine melody, Ethereal music

In Dutch: Goddelijke muziek; In German: Göttliche Musik; In Finnish: Jumalallista musiikkia; In Spanish: Música divina

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Divine music'

Hindu concept of 'Divine music'

Jain concept of 'Divine music'

The concept of Divine music in local and regional sources

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