Significance of Divine mother

The Divine Mother in Vaishnavism embodies various aspects of feminine divinity and plays a crucial role in the spiritual lives of devotees. Often identified with Maha Lakshmi, she represents prosperity, grace, and compassion, serving as an intercessor between man and God. The Divine Mother symbolizes maternal love, nurturing, and guidance, reflected in her close relationship with the Supreme Lord. Recognized across multiple traditions, she personifies the essential qualities of nurturing, protection, and divine support, vital for spiritual upliftment.1
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Synonyms: Goddess, Holy mother, Sacred mother, Divine feminine, Creator, Deity, Mother goddess

In Dutch: Goddelijke moeder; In German: Göttliche Mutter; In Finnish: Jumalallinen äiti; In Spanish: Madre divina

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Divine mother'

The concept of Divine mother in local and regional sources

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