Significance of Divine force
In Vaishnavism, Divine forces signify the spiritual strength that propels the Supreme Personality of Godhead's actions and pastimes. The Purana describes Divine forces as the spiritual energy present in a consecrated temple, which amplifies its sacredness. Additionally, Jyotisha defines Divine forces as spiritual entities or deities that influence the realm of portents, responding to human actions through various signs. Overall, the concept of Divine forces encompasses various dimensions of spiritual energy and influence across different traditions.
Synonyms: Celestial power, Spiritual energy, Divine power, Supernatural agency, Deity
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Divine force'
Divine forces in Hinduism encompass the sacred energy within temples, the strength behind the Supreme God’s actions, and deities that influence human affairs through signs and omens, underscoring the interconnectedness of spirituality and daily life.
From: Chaitanya Bhagavata
(1) The spiritual strength that drives the actions and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.[1]
From: Brihat Samhita
(1) Spiritual entities or deities that govern the realm of portents and respond to the actions of humans, often through signs.[2]
From: Agni Purana
(1) The spiritual energy that permeates a consecrated temple, enhancing its sacredness.[3]