Significance of Divine figure

The concept of a Divine figure in Vaishnavism prominently includes deities like Lord Krishna, who exemplifies love and spiritual guidance. This term encompasses exalted beings such as Sankarshana, spiritual entities like Nityananda, and refers to revered characters recognized for their divine attributes, like Lord Jagannatha and Shri Caitanya. Divine figures are essential in devotional practices and spiritual teachings, symbolizing higher powers and representing the sacred in various forms worshipped by devotees.

Synonyms: Deity, God, Goddess, Immortal, Celestial being, Divine being, Supernatural being, Spirit, Holy figure, Sacred entity, Supreme being, Divinity

In Dutch: Goddelijke figuur; In Finnish: Jumalallinen hahmo; In Spanish: Figura divina

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Divine figure'

The concept of Divine figure in local and regional sources

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