Significance of Divine ecstasy

Divine ecstasy in Vaishnavism encompasses a profound spiritual joy and bliss arising from devotion to the divine, often experienced in acts of worship. This state can be overwhelming, sometimes threatening one's stability, as exemplified by the Alvar and Nadiya. It includes deep emotional expressions for the divine and can lead to transcendent experiences, as reflected in the teachings of Purana, Theravada, and historical accounts of India. These experiences are typically associated with love, beauty, and spiritual enlightenment.

Synonyms: Spiritual bliss, Heavenly joy, Ecstatic rapture, Heavenly bliss, Spiritual joy, Rapturous delight

In Dutch: Goddelijke extase; In German: Göttliche Ekstase; In Finnish: Jumalallinen ekstaasi; In Spanish: Éxtasis divino

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Divine ecstasy'

Hindu concept of 'Divine ecstasy'

The concept of Divine ecstasy in local and regional sources

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