Significance of Divine ecstasy
Divine ecstasy in Vaishnavism encompasses a profound spiritual joy and bliss arising from devotion to the divine, often experienced in acts of worship. This state can be overwhelming, sometimes threatening one's stability, as exemplified by the Alvar and Nadiya. It includes deep emotional expressions for the divine and can lead to transcendent experiences, as reflected in the teachings of Purana, Theravada, and historical accounts of India. These experiences are typically associated with love, beauty, and spiritual enlightenment.
Synonyms: Spiritual bliss, Heavenly joy, Ecstatic rapture, Heavenly bliss, Spiritual joy, Rapturous delight
In Dutch: Goddelijke extase; In German: Göttliche Ekstase; In Finnish: Jumalallinen ekstaasi; In Spanish: Éxtasis divino
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Divine ecstasy'
Divine ecstasy in Buddhism signifies a profound state of bliss and transcendent joy attained through elevated meditation, reflecting an extraordinary level of spiritual existence beyond ordinary experiences.
From: Abhidhamma in Daily Life (by Ashin Janakabhivamsa)
(1) A state of bliss and transcendent joy associated with high states of meditation and existence.[1]
Hindu concept of 'Divine ecstasy'
Divine ecstasy in Hinduism represents a profound state of bliss achieved through devotion, characterized by overwhelming joy and spiritual connection with the divine, sometimes risking stability for practitioners like the Alvar, prompting moderation from the deity.
From: Brihad Bhagavatamrita (commentary)
(1) A state of bliss and spiritual joy achieved through devotion and connection with the divine.[2] (2) The state of overwhelming joy and bliss experienced in a spiritual context, often during acts of devotion.[3] (3) A state of overwhelming bliss and spiritual joy that can lead to expressions of deep affection and admiration for devotees.[4]
From: Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
(1) An overwhelming spiritual joy that could threaten the Alvar's stability and existence, prompting the Lord to moderate its intensity.[5] (2) An overwhelming state of spiritual joy that risks destabilizing one’s existence, as experienced by the Alvar.[6]
From: Srila Gurudeva (The Supreme Treasure)
(1) The state of spiritual joy and bliss that overwhelmed Nadiya as per the account.[7]
From: Yoga Vasistha [English], Volume 1-4
(1) The state of being entranced by the identity and presence of the Deity.[8]
The concept of Divine ecstasy in local and regional sources
Divine ecstasy encapsulates a profound state of joy and spiritual bliss, often tied to enlightenment, as seen in the experiences of maidens with Krishna and through the ecstatic hymns of Manickavachakar, representing transcendence beyond ordinary feelings.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) A state of heightened spiritual joy expressed through music and lyrical compositions.[9] (2) The overwhelming spiritual joy often evoked through the hymns and compositions of Manickavachakar.[10] (3) A spiritual and blissful experience that transcends ordinary feelings, often associated with beauty or love.[11] (4) A state of overwhelming joy and spiritual fulfillment experienced by the maidens in the company of Krishna.[12] (5) A state of intense joy or bliss that transcends ordinary experiences, often associated with spiritual enlightenment.[13]