Significance of Diverse organs
The keyphrase "Diverse organs" is described in the Purana as a comprehensive overview of various bodily organs and their connections to both the soul and external objects. This depiction emphasizes the intricate relationship between physical anatomy and spiritual elements, illustrating how different organs play unique roles in the context of both the individual and their environment. By examining these connections, the text provides valuable insights into the holistic understanding of human existence.
Synonyms: Different organs, Multiple organs, Various organs
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Hindu concept of 'Diverse organs'
Diverse organs in Hinduism signify the detailed understanding of various bodily components, emphasizing their interrelation with the soul and external elements, highlighting the holistic view of human existence and spirituality.
From: Mahabharata (English)
(1) A complete description of different bodily organs mentioned in relation to their connection to the soul and objects.[1]