Significance of Dispute

Dispute in Jainism refers to the argument between Manasavega and Shauri regarding Somashri. In Purana, it signifies the conflict between Cyavana and Indra concerning the Ashvins' right to drink Soma, illustrating tensions within the divine hierarchy. In Theravada, Dispute indicates disagreements among Bhikkhus related to doctrine, ethics, or community rules. Each tradition highlights different aspects of conflict, emphasizing the complexity of interpersonal and divine relations.

Synonyms: Controversy, Conflict, Disagreement, Debate, Argument, Contention, Quarrel, Tussle, Altercation

In Dutch: Geschil; In German: Disput; In Finnish: Kiista; In Spanish: Disputar

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Dispute'

Hindu concept of 'Dispute'

Jain concept of 'Dispute'

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