Significance of Diligence

Diligence is a central theme across various schools of Buddhism, emphasizing the importance of persistent effort in spiritual practices. In Tibetan Buddhism, it highlights steady effort in spiritual endeavors, while Dharmashastra stresses the Vedic student's commitment to studying the texts. Mahayana Buddhism encourages cultivating bodhicitta with diligence, and Theravada reflects on the Buddha's rigorous daily commitment and consistent effort in practice and study. Overall, diligence is essential for ongoing spiritual development and practice in Buddhism.

Synonyms: Perseverance, Hard work, Effort, Attentiveness, Persistence, Conscientiousness, Meticulousness, Dedication

In Dutch: Zorgvuldigheid; In Finnish: Ahkeruus; In Spanish: Diligencia

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Diligence'

Hindu concept of 'Diligence'

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