Significance of Diligence
Diligence is a central theme across various schools of Buddhism, emphasizing the importance of persistent effort in spiritual practices. In Tibetan Buddhism, it highlights steady effort in spiritual endeavors, while Dharmashastra stresses the Vedic student's commitment to studying the texts. Mahayana Buddhism encourages cultivating bodhicitta with diligence, and Theravada reflects on the Buddha's rigorous daily commitment and consistent effort in practice and study. Overall, diligence is essential for ongoing spiritual development and practice in Buddhism.
Synonyms: Perseverance, Hard work, Effort, Attentiveness, Persistence, Conscientiousness, Meticulousness, Dedication
In Dutch: Zorgvuldigheid; In Finnish: Ahkeruus; In Spanish: Diligencia
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Diligence'
Diligence in Buddhism emphasizes persistent effort in cultivating bodhicitta, commitment to Dhamma practice, and continuous spiritual development, mirroring the Buddha's dedicated routine and inspiring others through steadfast industriousness in spiritual endeavors.
From: Maha Buddhavamsa—The Great Chronicle of Buddhas
(1) The commitment to consistent effort in practice and study, ensuring ongoing spiritual development.[1] (2) Represents the Buddha's unparalleled commitment to practice and teaching, characterized by a rigorous daily routine that earns admiration from all.[2] (3) The quality of being industrious and committed to the practice of the Dhamma.[3]
From: Introducing Buddhist Abhidhamma
(1) The effort and commitment to stay focused and engaged in mindful and moral practices.[4]
From: Bodhisattvacharyavatara
(1) The focus of the seventh chapter, encouraging effort and persistence in the cultivation of bodhicitta.[5]
From: Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva fundamental vow sutra
(1) The careful and conscientious effort put into creating offerings and performing virtuous deeds, which ensures benefits for the deceased.[6]
From: Blue Annals (deb-ther sngon-po)
(1) A key characteristic rgod tshang pa displayed, emphasizing continuous and steady effort in spiritual endeavors.[7]
Hindu concept of 'Diligence'
In Hinduism, Diligence signifies the dedicated effort and application essential for a Vedic student to effectively study and comprehend the Vedas, reflecting the importance of perseverance in spiritual and academic pursuits.
From: Manusmriti with the Commentary of Medhatithi
(1) The application and effort required by the Vedic student when studying the Vedas as instructed.[8]