Significance of Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as DM, is characterized as a chronic metabolic disorder leading to elevated blood sugar levels due to inadequate insulin secretion or action. It encompasses conditions like Type 2 diabetes, which is often related to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. The disorder results from defects in insulin functionality, impacting how the body metabolizes carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and it poses significant long-term health risks, including diabetic neuropathy and complications affecting vital organs.
Synonyms: Diabetes, Hyperglycemia, Glucose intolerance, High blood sugar, Insulin resistance
In Dutch: Diabetes mellitus; In Finnish: Diabetes mellitus; In Spanish: Diabetes mellitus
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Diabetes mellitus'
In Hinduism, Diabetes mellitus is seen as a serious condition caused by excessive food intake, obstructing Vata and disrupting vital essences, emphasizing the importance of dietary balance for maintaining health.
From: Charaka Samhita (English translation)
(1) A serious condition resulting from the excessive consumption of certain foods leading to the obstruction of Vata and subsequent disturbances in vital essence.[1]
The concept of Diabetes mellitus in scientific sources
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels resulting from inadequate insulin production or resistance, leading to numerous complications affecting various organs and systems, and is increasingly prevalent globally.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A group of metabolic diseases identified in patients with high blood sugar due to insufficient insulin production or body cells not responding to insulin.[2] (2) A chronic health condition characterized by high blood sugar levels; the text discusses the increasing prevalence and the benefits of natural sweeteners for those with diabetes.[3] (3) A metabolic disorder associated with hyperglycemia due to insulin resistance or insufficient insulin production, leading to various health complications.[4] (4) A clinical syndrome marked by high blood sugar levels resulting from insufficient insulin, leading to metabolic disturbances.[5] (5) Diabetes Mellitus is a major public health problem characterized by chronic hyperglycemia arising from a complex interaction of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors affecting insulin production and utilization.[6]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) A chronic condition characterized by abnormal glucose metabolism and high blood sugar levels, often associated with symptoms like excessive thirst, frequent urination, and fatigue.[7] (2) A metabolic disease characterized by increased blood glucose levels, severe long-term sequelae such as retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, and heart disease.[8] (3) A chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, which can lead to complications affecting sexual health and fertility.[9] (4) A chronic metabolic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin deficiency or insulin resistance.[10] (5) A chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance or lacking insulin production.[11]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) A common metabolic disorder affecting 2 to 6 percent of the global population, characterized by high blood sugar levels.[12] (2) A chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, which the seed kernels of Syzygium cumini were suggested to remedy.[13] (3) A common metabolic disorder affecting 2 to 6% of the global population, historically recognized for over 2500 years.[14] (4) A chronic condition characterized by the body's inability to process insulin effectively, often resulting in high blood sugar levels.[15] (5) A chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, which the study aims to address through natural dietary methods.[16]
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) A chronic condition that impairs the body's ability to process blood glucose, often leading to complications such as increased susceptibility to infections.[17] (2) A metabolic disorder that impacts the body’s ability to use sugar and is known to affect the onset and progression of periodontal diseases.[18] (3) An imbalance between endocrine and metabolic residues mainly associated with the failure of cells to respond to insulin or glucose intolerances occurring later in life.[19] (4) A chronic health condition characterized by high blood sugar levels that can affect various systems in the body, including oral health and inflammation.[20] (5) A chronic health condition that affects blood sugar levels and is considered a significant risk factor for periodontitis.[21]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) A health condition that contributes to cataract formation; higher glucose levels are associated with increased risk of cataracts.[22] (2) A chronic metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin production issues or insulin resistance.[23] (3) A chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to defects in insulin secretion or action.[24] (4) A heterogeneous disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance and/or impaired insulin secretion.[25] (5) A chronic disease characterized by high blood glucose levels due to absolute or relative circulating insulin levels.[26]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) A metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels, which bears significant similarities to the disorder known as Prameha.[27] (2) A metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia due to defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both, leading to high blood glucose levels.[28] (3) A metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period, which can lead to recurrent pregnancy loss in women.[29] (4) A chronic health condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance or insufficient insulin production.[30] (5) One of the most common non-communicable diseases characterized by inadequate control of blood levels of glucose, stemming from insufficient insulin production or ineffective utilization of insulin.[31]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) A chronic comorbidity that can worsen the severity of COVID-19 in affected individuals.[32] (2) A metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar, a recognized risk factor for stroke.[33] (3) A prevalent health condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, with significant health implications, affecting millions worldwide.[34] (4) A group of metabolic disorders characterized by elevated blood glucose levels over prolonged periods, making it a severe and costly medical condition.[35] (5) An endocrine disorder that causes high blood glucose levels, leading to various complications including diabetic foot infections.[36]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) A growing health concern characterized by high blood sugar levels, with specific symptoms such as excessive thirst, fatigue, and frequent urination.[37] (2) A chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin deficiency or resistance.[38] (3) A chronic condition characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood, which can develop from untreated prediabetes.[39] (4) A group of diseases characterized by high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period, requiring effective management to prevent complications.[40] (5) A chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance or insufficient insulin production, leading to serious health complications.[41]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) A clinical syndrome characterized by hyperglycemia due to inadequate insulin production, leading to various metabolic disorders, including complications affecting eyes, kidneys, and the nervous system.[42] (2) A metabolic disorder marked by chronic high blood sugar levels, often due to insulin resistance or inadequate insulin production.[43] (3) A chronic health condition affecting blood sugar levels, often leading to serious complications such as diabetic foot gangrene.[44] (4) A chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin deficiency or insulin resistance.[45] (5) A group of metabolic diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia due to insulin deficiency or diminished effectiveness, affecting almost every organ/system in the body.[46]