Significance of Dental examination
Dental examination is a clinical evaluation of the mouth and teeth, focusing on assessing oral health status and identifying potential issues. This process includes checking for conditions like gingival enlargement and periodontal disease. It is essential when encountering dental-origin cutaneous sinuses, as well as in conducting thorough inspections by dental practitioners. Overall, dental examinations encompass a variety of assessments aimed at diagnosing current conditions and evaluating the patient's oral cavity comprehensively.
Synonyms: Dental checkup, Oral examination, Dental assessment, Check-up
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The concept of Dental examination in scientific sources
Dental examination involves a clinical assessment by a dentist to evaluate oral health and diagnose any existing conditions, ensuring comprehensive care and addressing potential dental issues effectively.
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) Clinical assessments conducted to evaluate the oral health status, including the measurement of periodontal attachment levels.[1] (2) The process of evaluating the patient’s oral cavity, conducted to identify and assess various dental features and issues.[2] (3) A clinical assessment of the oral health status, including checking for conditions such as gingival enlargement and periodontal disease.[3] (4) A clinical evaluation of the mouth and teeth, during which frenal attachments may not receive thorough inspection.[4] (5) A thorough inspection conducted by dental practitioners to assess oral health and identify any potential issues.[5]
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A clinical assessment performed by a dentist to evaluate oral health and diagnose any conditions present.[6]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) A thorough examination of the oral cavity to assess oral health, often involving visual inspections and diagnostic criteria.[7]