Significance of Degradation

Degradation, in the context of Vaishnavism, is a decline in spiritual standing resulting from wrongful actions, particularly against a Vaishnava guru or motivated by envy. Dharmashastra highlights it as a decline in moral and ethical status due to sinful actions, including the loss of social honor from certain marriages. Historically, degradation encompasses a broader decline to a lower moral or social condition, emphasizing the consequences of improper actions and associations deemed sinful.

Synonyms: Deterioration, Decline, Degeneration, Erosion, Decay

In Dutch: Degradatie; In Finnish: Hajoaminen; In Spanish: Degradación

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Degradation'

The concept of Degradation in local and regional sources

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