Significance of Cultural tradition

Cultural tradition encompasses a wide array of inherited practices, beliefs, and customs that shape societal norms and values across different Indian philosophical and cultural frameworks. This includes architectural practices reflecting historical contexts, societal norms influencing artistic expressions, and long-standing beliefs that guide community lifestyles. Various texts, such as Jainism, Vaishnavism, and the Puranas, explore how cultural traditions influence identity, familial responsibilities, social customs, and the spiritual life of communities, highlighting their importance in preserving cultural heritage over generations.

Synonyms: Cultural custom, Cultural practice, Cultural heritage, Cultural norm, Heritage, Custom, Practice, Ritual, Folklore, Legacy

In Dutch: Culturele traditie; In German: Kulturelle Tradition; In Finnish: Kulttuuriperinne; In Spanish: Tradición cultural

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Cultural tradition'

Hindu concept of 'Cultural tradition'

Jain concept of 'Cultural tradition'

The concept of Cultural tradition in local and regional sources

The concept of Cultural tradition in scientific sources

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