Significance of Cultural norm

Cultural norms encompass the values, practices, and societal rules that guide behavior within various communities. They influence personal conduct, particularly in areas like marriage and interpersonal relationships, as emphasized by Ayurveda, Dharmashastra, and historical perspectives in India. These norms also dictate family roles and customs, including naming practices among the Santals, and traditional expectations around marriage and motherhood. Additionally, cultural norms shape group behaviors and preferences, influencing societal expectations and quality of life across different communities.1
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Synonyms: Social norm, Social custom, Cultural practice, Tradition, Convention, Custom, Practice

In Dutch: Culturele norm; In German: Kulturelle Norm; In Finnish: Kulttuurinormi; In Spanish: Norma cultural

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Hindu concept of 'Cultural norm'

The concept of Cultural norm in local and regional sources

The concept of Cultural norm in scientific sources

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