Significance of Cultural background

Cultural background encompasses the historical and social context that influences a community's values and practices across various domains. According to Vastushastra, it shapes urban design; in Kavya, it affects language meaning and usage, intertwining philosophy and tradition. From an Indian historical perspective, cultural background impacts political engagement and individual perspectives. In the realm of science, it underpins Siddha medicine, informing its practices and beliefs, rooted in traditional knowledge and societal context.

Synonyms: Cultural heritage, Cultural context, Cultural environment, Cultural identity, Cultural history, Cultural roots, Heritage, Ancestry, Ethnicity

In Dutch: Culturele achtergrond; In Finnish: Kulttuurinen tausta; In Spanish: Antecedentes culturales

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Cultural background'

The concept of Cultural background in local and regional sources

The concept of Cultural background in scientific sources

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