Significance of Cultural background
Cultural background encompasses the historical and social context that influences a community's values and practices across various domains. According to Vastushastra, it shapes urban design; in Kavya, it affects language meaning and usage, intertwining philosophy and tradition. From an Indian historical perspective, cultural background impacts political engagement and individual perspectives. In the realm of science, it underpins Siddha medicine, informing its practices and beliefs, rooted in traditional knowledge and societal context.
Synonyms: Cultural heritage, Cultural context, Cultural environment, Cultural identity, Cultural history, Cultural roots, Heritage, Ancestry, Ethnicity
In Dutch: Culturele achtergrond; In Finnish: Kulttuurinen tausta; In Spanish: Antecedentes culturales
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Cultural background'
Cultural background in Hinduism encompasses the historical and social contexts shaping community values, language meanings, and an intertwined blend of philosophy, tradition, and myth that influences lives, often unconsciously, throughout society.
From: Annadatri-carita (study)
(1) A mixture of popular philosophy, tradition, history, myth, and legend that influences people's lives, often unconsciously shared even among the illiterate.[1]
From: Jarasandhavadha Mahakavyam
(1) The social and historical context that shapes the meanings and uses of language.[2]
From: Vastu-shastra (Introduction to Indian architecture)
(1) The historical and social context that influences a community's values, habits, and urban design practices.[3]
The concept of Cultural background in local and regional sources
Cultural background encompasses the various cultural influences that mold individuals' viewpoints, affecting their political engagement and priorities. This highlights the importance of understanding cultural diversity in shaping societal perspectives and political actions.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) The diverse cultural influences that shape individuals' perspectives, impacting their political engagement and priorities.[4]
The concept of Cultural background in scientific sources
Cultural background encompasses the historical and social contexts that shape traditional medicinal practices, particularly in Siddha medicine, highlighting the significance of historical knowledge and societal beliefs in shaping medical practices and principles.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) The historical and social context in which traditional medicinal practices and knowledge systems develop.[5] (2) The historical and traditional knowledge base supporting the principles of Siddha medicine.[6] (3) The societal and historical context that informs the medical practices and beliefs of the Siddha system.[7]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) The historical and societal context behind the practice of medicine as evidenced in the collection of medical manuscripts.[8]