Significance of Cowrie

In Jainism, Cowrie can refer to various objects, including a tool for inscribing names at Rishabhakuta, a type of shell used as currency, and an instrument employed by the King for marking territory on mountains. Additionally, in Kavya, Cowrie denotes decorative shells that enhance festival aesthetics. In Rasashastra, the term refers to a substance combined with others during the incineration of vanga leaves. Overall, Cowrie holds multiple significances across different contexts related to culture and currency.

Synonyms: Conch

In Spanish: Cauri; In Dutch: Kauri; In Finnish: Cowrie

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Cowrie'

Jain concept of 'Cowrie'

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