Significance of Courteous
In Natyashastra, the term "Courteous" describes a category within the dhirodatta characterization. This subdivision focuses on heroes who embody politeness and respectfulness in their demeanor. These traits define their interaction with others and establish a certain moral standard within the narrative, portraying them as noble figures in contrast to more aggressive characters. Through the lens of Natyashastra, courteous individuals contribute significantly to the development of themes around dignity and honor in dramatic representations.
Synonyms: Polite, Respectful, Gracious, Attentive, Gallant, Well-spoken
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Hindu concept of 'Courteous'
In Hinduism, "Courteous" is interpreted as a subdivision of dhirodatta, showcasing heroes characterized by politeness and respectfulness, emphasizing the importance of respectful behavior in heroic virtues.
From: Dasarupaka (critical study)
(1) A subdivision under dhirodatta depicting heroes that are polite and respectful.[1]