Significance of Couplet

In Jainism, the term Couplet highlights a poetic structure that summarizes relationships between various entities, connecting them to dharmastikaya and illustrating their interactions. It also represents rhymed pairs of lines that serve as a structural element in texts, particularly to narrate fasting practices and spiritual discipline. Additionally, in the context of Purana and Theravada traditions, Couplets are verses reflecting personal experiences and teachings, illustrating the transformative nature of spiritual practices across different beliefs.

Synonyms: Pair, Couple, Verse, Stanza, Poem

In Dutch: Koppel; In German: Couplet; In Finnish: Säepari; In Spanish: Copla

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Couplet'

Hindu concept of 'Couplet'

Jain concept of 'Couplet'

The concept of Couplet in local and regional sources

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