Significance of Cosmos

Cosmos encompasses the entirety of existence as interpreted in various philosophical traditions. In Jainism, it represents the universe in its complete form, while Vaishnavism views it as a comprehensive system that includes all elements of existence. Shaktism defines the Cosmos as an ordered and harmonious whole, emphasizing its contrast with chaos and its foundation in principles of Dharma. Each tradition provides a unique perspective on the concept of Cosmos, highlighting its philosophical significance across different belief systems.1
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Synonyms: Universe, Outer space, Realm, Creation, World, Existence, Space

In Dutch: Kosmos; In German: Kosmos; In Finnish: Kosmos; In Spanish: Cosmos

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Cosmos'

Jain concept of 'Cosmos'

The concept of Cosmos in local and regional sources

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