Significance of Conversation
In Vaishnavism, "Conversation" pertains to the discussions that take place between gopis and queens covering a range of topics. These dialogues are significant as they highlight the social and spiritual interactions among these figures, reflecting various aspects of devotion and relationships within the tradition. The discussions serve as a means of exploring themes of love, devotion, and the divine within the context of their connections. Overall, these conversations enrich the narrative of Vaishnavism.
Synonyms: Dialogue, Discussion, Talk, Discourse, Communication, Exchange
In Dutch: Gesprek; In German: Gespräch; In Finnish: Keskustelu; In Spanish: Conversación
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Conversation'
In Hinduism, Conversation encompasses discussions among the gopis and queens, highlighting social and spiritual exchanges that reflect their roles, relationships, and the cultural values within Hindu society.
From: Chaitanya Bhagavata
(1) The dialogue or exchange of ideas that serves as the setting for the teaching of religious principles.[1] (2) The dialogue that occurred between Gaura and Nityananda.[2]
From: Garga Samhita (English)
(1) Refers to the discussions held between the gopis and the queens about various topics.[3]
Jain concept of 'Conversation'
In Jainism, Conversation symbolizes the intricate dynamics of attraction and rejection as illustrated in the dialogue between Candranakha and the two brothers, highlighting the philosophical underpinnings regarding interpersonal relationships and emotional engagement.
From: Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra
(1) The exchange of dialogue between Candranakha and the two brothers, reflecting themes of attraction and rejection.[4]
The concept of Conversation in local and regional sources
Conversation, in this context, refers to the dialogues within poetry that reveal personal interactions and social observations among characters, emphasizing the importance of communication in expressing emotions and connections in literary works.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) Dialogues captured in the poetry to showcase personal interactions and social observations among characters.[5]