Significance of Convention

In Tibetan Buddhism, Convention encompasses socially agreed-upon norms and understandings that determine the naming and categorization of entities. It forms the basis for conceptual cognition, influencing the meaning conveyed by words and the societal agreements underpinning sentence comprehension. Convention provides a framework for the functioning of relationships, with established norms dictating the understanding of language and expression. This shared understanding highlights that the meaning of terms is not inherent but relies on contextual agreements, emphasizing the philosophical implications of language in Buddhist practice.1
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Synonyms: Assembly, Gathering, Meeting, Symposium, Conclave, Workshop, Summit

In Dutch: Conventie; In Finnish: Yleissopimus; In Spanish: Convención

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Convention'

Hindu concept of 'Convention'

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