Significance of Contra-indication

Contra-indication refers to specific reasons and conditions in both Ayurveda and modern science that outline when certain treatments should not be administered to avoid complications and ensure patient safety. In Ayurveda, this includes practices like oleation, enemas, and fever treatments, while in science, it covers health conditions that could hinder the safe application of treatments like Uttara Basti and Aconitum ferox. Overall, understanding contra-indications is essential for preventing adverse effects and ensuring proper patient care.

Synonyms: Contraindication, Warning, Restriction, Limitation, Obstacle, Caution, Prohibition

In Dutch: Contra-indicatie; In Finnish: Vasta-aihe; In Spanish: Contraindicación

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Contra-indication'

The concept of Contra-indication in scientific sources

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