Significance of Conscious soul
The term "conscious soul" in the Purana refers to the aware aspect of an individual that experiences existence beyond the physical body. It encompasses self-awareness, understanding one's thoughts, desires, and the deeper truths of existence. This aspect is considered immortal, connecting individuals to the divine and enabling contemplation of the Supreme soul. The conscious soul retains awareness of past actions and evolves over time, representing the essence of being that is unbounded by physical limitations and fosters a meaningful connection with the universe.
Synonyms: Awareness, Spirit, Psyche, Mind, Sentient being, Essence, Inner self, Sentient entity
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Conscious soul'
In Hinduism, the Conscious soul symbolizes an eternal, evolving essence that embodies awareness beyond physicality, permits connection with the universe, retains memories, and reflects the divine, guiding one towards understanding and transcending worldly desires.
From: Yoga Vasistha [English], Volume 1-4
(1) The ever-living aspect of divine existence that perceives and encompasses the entirety of creation within itself.[1] (2) The aspect of an individual that remains aware and connected with the deeper truths of existence.[2] (3) The essence of individual existence, which becomes apparent only after egoism is subsided.[3] (4) The awareness within each individual, impacted by their perceptions and imprints from experiences.[4] (5) The self-aware aspect of one's being that recognizes its connection to the greater universal soul.[5]
From: Markandeya Purana
(1) Refers to the aspect of the Supreme that pertains to knowledge of spirit in the Sankhya doctrine.[6]