Significance of Conclusion
According to various philosophical and religious traditions, the term Conclusion encompasses final remarks or summaries that encapsulate key insights. In Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism, it refers to a summation of teachings and essential arguments. Similarly, Vaishnavism, Purana, Natyashastra, and Vedanta provide a closing that reflects ultimate understandings from their respective teachings. Science also offers conclusions that summarize findings from research studies, affirming results and implications across diverse contexts. Overall, Conclusion acts as a vital tool for encapsulating knowledge and insights across disciplines.
Synonyms: Summary, Resolution, Deduction, Final remarks, Inference, Result
In Dutch: Conclusie; In German: Abschluss; In Finnish: Johtopäätös; In Spanish: Conclusión
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Conclusion'
In Buddhism, Conclusion signifies the final remarks that encapsulate key teachings, summarize arguments, and highlight the eternal significance of words, serving as a vital part of textual interpretation and understanding.
From: Tattvasangraha [with commentary]
(1) The summary of the arguments presented in the text, particularly regarding the necessity of words having eternal properties.[1]
From: Bodhisattvacharyavatara
(1) The final sections of the text, referred to in the context of the third key point.[2]
From: The Great Chariot
(1) The final remarks or summation provided at the end of a text, designed to encapsulate key insights and teachings.[3]
Hindu concept of 'Conclusion'
In Hinduism, the Conclusion signifies a final synthesis of teachings and narratives, reflecting realizations about Brahman, the outcomes of actions, and the significance of structured worship, ultimately delivering essential insights from spiritual practices and the overarching story.
From: Chaitanya Bhagavata
(1) The final understanding drawn from Mahaprabhu’s instructions regarding the significance of worship order.[4] (2) The final summation or closing statement made after presenting information or arguments.[5]
From: Mahabharata (English)
(1) The final thoughts and realizations Vasudeva makes regarding the battle and the circumstances surrounding it.[6]
From: Taittiriya Upanishad
(1) The final understanding that emerges from the teachings on Brahman and the contemplative practices surrounding Him.[7]
From: Dasarupaka (critical study)
(1) The Conclusion is formed by the denouement (karya) and the attainment of the result (phalagama). It encompasses the entire narrative from opening to pause, distributing the elements in an orderly fashion to achieve the end of the story.[8]
The concept of Conclusion in local and regional sources
The keyphrase "Conclusion" pertains to the final logical deduction drawn from the analysis, indicating that King Srongtsan was likely born in 569 CE and lived for 82 years.
From: Tibet (Myth, Religion and History)
(1) The logical deduction presented at the end of the analysis, concluding that King Srongtsan was likely born in 569 CE and lived for 82 years.[9]
The concept of Conclusion in scientific sources
The keyphrase "Conclusion" summarizes the findings of improvements in digestive health from Yogasana practices and highlights the effectiveness of shukravardhaka dravya in treating oligospermia, marking the final insights of the research.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) The findings drawn from the study, indicating that the qualities of lake water change according to the seasonal cycle (Shad Rutu).[10] (2) The final summarization of the results and implications of the study regarding the effectiveness and potential of the polyherbal extract in managing Parkinson’s Disease.[11] (3) The final summation of findings suggesting that homeopathic medications can effectively treat hair loss in both men and women.[12] (4) Summarizes that the ancient understanding of wet nurses like Dhatri remains valuable, especially in contexts where mother's milk is insufficient.[13] (5) Conclusions summarize the findings from the research, indicating whether the branded and generic products exhibited significant differences.[14]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) The summary of findings from the study, indicating the effectiveness of shukravardhaka dravya in treating oligospermia.[15]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) The final section that summarizes the findings regarding the improvements in digestive health through Yogasana practices.[16]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) The final remarks or summary of findings from a research study or case series, highlighting the implications of the results and recommendations for future research.[17]