Significance of Conclusion

According to various philosophical and religious traditions, the term Conclusion encompasses final remarks or summaries that encapsulate key insights. In Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism, it refers to a summation of teachings and essential arguments. Similarly, Vaishnavism, Purana, Natyashastra, and Vedanta provide a closing that reflects ultimate understandings from their respective teachings. Science also offers conclusions that summarize findings from research studies, affirming results and implications across diverse contexts. Overall, Conclusion acts as a vital tool for encapsulating knowledge and insights across disciplines.

Synonyms: Summary, Resolution, Deduction, Final remarks, Inference, Result

In Dutch: Conclusie; In German: Abschluss; In Finnish: Johtopäätös; In Spanish: Conclusión

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Conclusion'

Hindu concept of 'Conclusion'

The concept of Conclusion in local and regional sources

The concept of Conclusion in scientific sources

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