Significance of Collective consciousness

Collective consciousness is a multifaceted concept that encompasses shared understanding, beliefs, and moral attitudes among individuals within a society. Purana highlights its role among Devas, while Yoga emphasizes its influence through practices like Transcendental Meditation. Mahayana focuses on how collective beliefs shape perspectives and actions, and historical views in India demonstrate how shared ideas shape cultural norms and identity. Overall, collective consciousness serves as a unifying force within groups, affecting various cultural expressions and societal values.

Synonyms: Group mind, Collective awareness, Group consciousness, Collective mind

In Dutch: Collectief bewustzijn; In German: Kollektives Bewusstsein; In Finnish: Kollektiivinen tietoisuus; In Spanish: Conciencia colectiva

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Collective consciousness'

Hindu concept of 'Collective consciousness'

The concept of Collective consciousness in local and regional sources

The concept of Collective consciousness in scientific sources

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