Significance of Collection

The term Collection encompasses various interpretations across different contexts. According to the Purana, it involves connecting independent words and signifies an assembly or grouping of items, also referred to as Sanghata. In the Mahayana tradition, Collection pertains to a fivefold classification of the Buddha's teachings and the compilation of literary or artistic works. Furthermore, in the context of Indian history, Collection is associated with examinations conducted to assess students' understanding at the beginning and end of academic terms.1
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Synonyms: Gathering, Accumulation, Assembly, Compilation, Aggregation, Group, Aggregate

In Dutch: Verzameling; In German: Sammlung; In Finnish: Kokoelma; In Spanish: Recopilación

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Collection'

Hindu concept of 'Collection'

The concept of Collection in local and regional sources

The concept of Collection in scientific sources

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